Professor Robert Wood
Lab Administrator
Hetchen Ehrenfeld
Lab Manager
Greg Freeburn

Germain Meyer
Carla Paillardon
May Salama
Micheal Awah
Soy Choi
Lachlain McGranahan
Jannah El-Rayess

Dr. Perrin Schiebel (Montana State University)
Dr. Oluwaseun Araromi (Boston Dynamics AI Institute)
Prof. Siyi Xu, PhD 2022 (Unversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Prof. Cara Nunez (Cornell University)
Prof. Daniel Bruder (University of Michigan)
Dr. Elizabeth Gallardo Hevia, PhD 2023
Dr. Moritz Graule, PhD 2023
Dr. Emma Steinhardt, PhD 2023
Prof. Nak-Seung Patrick Hyun (Purdue University)
Dr. Jessica Sandoval
Prof. Junghan Kwon (Pusan National University)
Prof. Rebecca McGill, PhD 2022 (Villanova University)
Dr. Vanessa Sanchez, PhD 2022
Dr. Clark Teeple, PhD 2022
Dr. Shuguang Li
Prof. Dan Aukes (Polytechnic School, Arizona State University)
Dr. Andy Baisch, PhD 2013 (Vibrant Research LLC)
Dr. Nick Bartlett, PhD 2018 (Wolf Greenfield)
Prof. Kaitlyn P. Becker, PhD 2021 (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Dr. Michael Austin Bell, PhD 2021 (Fleet Robotics)
Dr. Mustafa Boyvat (Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems)
Prof. Katie Byl (Electrical Engineering, U.C. Santa Barbara)
Prof. Pakpong Chirarattananon (Mechanical & Biomedical Eng., City University of Hong Kong)
Prof. Kevin Chen (Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, MIT)
Prof. Kyujin Cho (Mechanical Engineering, Seoul National University)
Prof. Andres Concha (Adolfo Ibanez University)
Dr. Avik De
Prof. Alexis Lussier Desbiens (Mechanical Engineering, Université de Sherbrooke)
Dr. Neel Doshi, PhD 2019 (Postdoctoral Fellow, Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Dr. Mishu Duduta (Medical Devices Fellow, University of Minnesota)
Dr. Pierre-Emile Duhamel, PhD 2017 (Intel)
Prof. Sam Felton, PhD 2015 (Mechanical Engineering, Northeastern University)
Dr. Ben Finio, PhD 2012 (Lecturer, Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Cornell)
Prof. Sawyer Fuller (Mechanical Engineering, University of Washington)
Dr. Joshua Gafford, PhD 2018 (Postdoctoral researcher, Vanderbilt)
Prof. Kevin Galloway (Mechanical Engineering, Vanderbilt)
Dr. Ben Goldberg, PhD 2017 (John Deere)
Prof. Nick Gravish (Mechanical Engineering, UCSD)
Prof. Frank Hammond III (Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering, Georgia Tech)
Prof. Elliot Hawkes, S.B. 2009 (Mechanical Engineering, U.C. Santa Barbara)
Prof. Elizabeth Farrell Helbling, PhD 2019
Dr. Nick Hoff, PhD 2011 (joint with R. Nagpal)
Dr. Katie Hoffman, PhD 2013 (Agilent)
Prof. Noah Jafferis
Prof. Kaushik Jayaram (Mechanical Engineering, UC Boulder)
Dr. Seunghee Jeong (Postdoctoral researcher, Uppsala University)
Prof. Ardian Jusufi (Elec, Mech and Mechatronic Systems, University of Technology Sydney)
Prof. Sangbae Kim (Mechanical Engineering, MIT)
Prof. Jesung Koh (Mechanical Engineering, Ajou University)
Dr. Shunichi Kurumaya (President, Pliant Robotics and Assistant Professor, Chuo University)
Prof. Mirko Kovac (Aeronautics, Imperial College London)
Prof. Rebecca Kramer, PhD 2012 (Mechanical Engineering, Yale)
Prof. Dae-Young Lee (Department of Aerospace Engineering, KAIST)
Dr. Kevin Ma, PhD 2016 (Dish Robotics)
Prof. Carmel Majidi (Mechanical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University)
Prof. Zachary Manchester (Aeronautics and Astronautics, Stanford)
Prof. Yigit Menguc (Mechanical Engineering, Oregon State University)
Prof. Andrew Mountcastle (Biology, Bates College)
Prof. Ryan Orszulik (Department of Earth & Space Science and Engineering, York University)
Prof. Onur Ozcan (Mechanical Engineering, Bilkent University)
Prof. Jamie Paik (Mechanical Engineering, EPFL)
Prof. Yong-Lae Park (Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University)
Prof. Nestor Perez-Arancibia (Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, USC)
Prof. Brennan Phillips (Ocean Engineering, University of Rhode Island)
Prof. Tommaso Ranzani (Mechanical Engineering, Boston University)
Prof. Michelle Rosen, PhD 2018 (Mechanical Engineering, The Cooper Union)
Prof. Sheila Russo (Mechanical Engineering, Boston University)
Dr. Ranjana Sahai
Prof. Jessica Shang, S.B. 2009 (Mechanical Engineering, University of Rochester)
Dr. Nina Sinatra, PhD 2019 (Google)
Dr. Pratheev Sreetharan, PhD 2012 (founder and CTO, Vibrant Research LLC)
Prof. Hiroto Tanaka (Chiba University)
Prof. Zeynep Temel (Carnegie Mellon University)
Dr. Zhi Ern Teoh, PhD 2016 (Cooper Perkins, Inc.)
Dr. Clark Teeple, PhD 2021 (Postdoctoral researcher, Harvard University)
Prof. Mike Tolley (Mechanical Engineering, U.C. San Diego)
Prof. Eduardo Torres-Jara (Worcester Polytechnic Institute)
Prof. Hongqiang Wang (SUS Tech)
Prof. Michael Wehner (Computer Engineering, University of California, Santa Cruz)
Prof. Peter Whitney, PhD 2012 (Mechanical Engineering, Northeastern University)
Dr. Mark Woodward, PhD 2012 (CTO, Full Spectrum Laser)
Prof. Sang-Hee Yoon (Mechanical Engineering, Inha University)
Dr. Peter York, PhD 2020 (Medtronic)
Prof. Huichan Zhao (Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University)