The Harvard Microrobotics Lab is not currently recruiting postdoctoral researchers. However, exceptional candidates seeking external fellowships are welcome to contact Prof. Wood to discuss opportunities. Example postdoctoral fellowships include the NSF Postdoctoral Fellowships in Biology, the Intelligence Community Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Program, and the James S. McDonnell Fellowship in Complex Systems.
Harvard University is an equal opportunity employer and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability status, protected veteran status, gender identity, sexual orientation, pregnancy and pregnancy-related conditions, or any other characteristic protected by law.
The Harvard Microrobotics Lab will likely seek 1-2 graduate students for the upcoming admissions cycle.
We are seeking talented students for co-ops, summer internships, or volunteers (within Harvard University) on Project CETI (Cetacean Translation Initiative). Current projects include:
Custom waterproof drones to hold tracking tags that get applied to whales with suction cups.
Automated tag recovery with drones when tags are released from whales, picking them up from the ocean surface and returning to Project CETI boats.
RF mesh network or satellite links that provide real-time location of tags, and design of a localized homing mechanism for drones to automate the last 10 meters in plucking the tags out of the water.
Whale science tag design that contains a camera, hydrophone arrays, GPS, IMU, and other sensors while maximizing adhesion with suction cups and being robust to ocean depths of up to 2,000 meters.
Live operations monitor - synchronize all the tags and drones in the field with underwater hydrophone buoy arrays to have live monitoring of whale activity, deployed tag status and location, and provide for mission planning.
For interest in these projects, contact: Daniel Vogt - CETI Program Manager - dvogt@seas.harvard.edu
Fleet Robotics, an marine robotics start-up out of the Harvard Microrobotics Lab, is seeking students for internships, co-ops, or thesis. Fleet Robotics is located in Somerville, near the Harvard campus. Projects broadly include:
Novel locomotion systems to navigate underwater structures such as ship hulls.
Navigation methods for underwater control.
Swarm algorithms for underwater robot communication and coordination.
Bleeding-edge magnetics for adhesion systems.
Electronics and charging systems that can withstand punishing environments.
Robust mechanical systems for long-term deployment on the side of ship hulls.
See full job description here: jobs.polymer.co/fleet-robotics/32790
For interest in these projects, contact: Dr. Michael Bell - bell@seas.harvard.edu or bell@fleetrobotics.ai
We welcome Harvard undergraduates who are interested in gaining research experience in the areas of mechanical design, circuit design, microfabrication, fluid mechanics, and controls. Please note that we generally discourage short term projects (single semester) since there is a significant amount of training required prior to participating in one of our research programs. Harvard students interested in long-term (one year or more) intensive research projects are encouraged to contact Prof. Wood.